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Mr. Jayant Bhaskar Kulkarni
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- Public Policy and Administration expert.
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- Worked as Trainer in Leadership Management in the New Delhi.
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13 effective and great Uses of Jenkins During Deployment
Use of Jenkins During Deployment what is jenkins Jenkins is an open-source automation tool that has gained significant popularity among developers and DevOps teams. It provides a platform for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, enabling streamlined and efficient software development processes. In this article, we will explore the use of Jenkins during deployment […]
Agile Methodology: a great Streamlining Pr0ject Management for Enhanced Efficiency
Agile Methodology: Streamlining Project Management for Enhanced Efficiency Agile methodology has gained significant popularity in the field of project management due to its flexible and iterative approach. It allows teams to adapt and respond to changes effectively while delivering high-quality results within the given timeframe. In this article, we will explore the key principles, benefits, […]
GitLab vs. GitBash: A great description of Version Control Tools g0
GitLab vs. Git-Bash: A Description of Version Control Tools Introduction In the world of software development, version control is crucial for managing and tracking changes to source code. It ensures that multiple developers can work collaboratively, maintain a history of changes, and revert back to previous versions if needed. Two popular version control tools are […]
why great communication is required in the c0rporate world
Why Communication is Required in the Corporate World Communication plays a crucial role in the corporate world. It serves as the lifeblood of any organization, enabling the smooth flow of information, ideas, and strategies. Effective communication fosters collaboration, boosts productivity, and strengthens relationships within and outside the company. In this article, we will explore the […]
how to become full stack developer
FullStack Developer What is Full Stack Development? It’s the dream of every programmer to become a Full stack developer. Usually, any Software engineer works as a backend developer or front end dev developer. but in the last few years, we hurt on Full stack widely. If a programmer is working on UI changes on an […]
Importance of reading
Below are some important benefits, 1) Improve imagination.2) Understand the various uses of words3) Vocabulary improvements4) Your curiosity is fulfilled5) Keep you well Informed6) Culture and tradition are introduced Imagination:While reading the various books, the reader paints independent images along with the portraits drawn by the author. We add to it according to our strength. […]